Terms and conditions Blue Dream boat rental in Salerno

By signing this private writing to be valid to all consequent effects of law, the parties:
Centro nautico Blue Dream s.r.l.s. with registered office in Salerno (SA) Via dei Greci, 2/a , VAT no. 05756720651 Pec: operational headquarters Molo Manfredi, Salerno, hereinafter for brevity “Lessor” and the party entitled to use the Vessel Rental service, hereinafter for brevity “Lessee”, agree and stipulate the following:
1) The Lessor rents to the Lessee, who accepts, a boat/boat (indication of the characteristics of the boat) for the total amount agreed upon.
2) The chartered boat may carry, or otherwise have on board even when stationary, the maximum total number of persons (including the driver), the number for which the boat itself is approved, and its navigation is permitted within three miles from the coast. The Lessee agrees not to exceed these limits in any case, and failing that, any civil and/or criminal and/or administrative liability arising from their non-compliance shall be borne solely by the Lessee.
3) In addition to the amount referred to in paragraph 1, the Lessee agrees to pay to the Lessor for each hour, or fraction of an hour, of delay in returning the rented unit the relevant sum, and in the event of redelivery of the unit located in a place other than the place where it was rented the predetermined sum for each mile, or fraction of a mile, of distance from the place where it was rented.
4) The Lessee shall pay the security deposit for the exact performance of the obligations under this contract.
5) The Lessee declares that he has read and is aware of the current regulations concerning bathing and navigation of the local maritime district, as well as of the operation of the following equipment on board the vessel: a) individual life-saving equipment: life belts (one for each person on board, ring life buoy equipped with a 30 m long rope.; b) distress signals: no. 2 red light hand signals and no. 2 red star hand signals; c) fire-fighting equipment: 1 fire extinguisher; d) other miscellaneous equipment: sound signaling device, regulation lights, anchor and 30 mt. cable, auxiliary steering means, pair of oars or paddles equipped with gaffa, hand exhaustion pump or other equipment, smoke signal buoy. Other equipment, if any, is to be included when the vessel is rented. The Hirer agrees to use the utmost diligence both while sailing and while the boat is stopped.
6) The Hirer declares that he/she has received on hire the boat, with the engine, fuel tank, tools, documents and the entire equipment referred to in item 5) supplied with the boat, in perfect condition, order and efficiency, and undertakes to keep and guard all the aforesaid goods and equipment entrusted on hire, with all diligence, obliging him/her to return them in the same condition in which they were hired. In the event of damage to or destruction of any of the aforesaid leased property, the Lessee agrees to pay the costs of repair or repurchase of the same.
7) The Hirer shall be fully responsible for the boat, engine, fuel tank, tools, documents and the entire equipment provided with the boat and referred to in paragraph 5) granted on hire, and shall reimburse the costs related to any breakage or loss thereof, even if caused by third parties or any other event, even if natural.
8) In addition to the compensation for any damage caused to the boat and its components, engine, accessories, and equipment granted for hire, the Lessee as of now agrees to pay to the Lessor, as compensation for the detention of the boat, a sum equal to the current daily rental rate charged by the Lessor for each day necessary to repair the damage.
9) The fuel tank shall be supplied by the Lessor full and any fuel consumed during the course of the charter shall be the responsibility of the Lessee, who shall provide immediate reimbursement upon return of the boat. Unless specified by the Lessor, no additional fuel tanks are allowed on board.
10) The ‘boat shall not be used and driven: (a) for the transportation of goods or any other transportation of goods and people cbe contrary to applicable laws and regulations; (b) for the transportation of passengers or goods against expressly or tacitly agreed compensation; (e) to push or pull boats; (d) in competition of any sporting or non-sporting kind; (e) by a person in a state of drunkenness or unconsciousness due to alcohol or drug abuse; (f) by a person other than the Lessee or a member of the Lessee’s household, provided that such person has obtained the prior written authorization of the Lessor, is over the age of sixteen years, and possesses the necessary sailing experience; (g) by any other person who has not been previously authorized in writing by the Lessor; (b) for any other use or by any other person for which it may be contrary to applicable laws or regulations. Any civil and/or criminal and/or administrative liability arising from failure to comply with the aforementioned prohibitions shall be the sole responsibility of the Lessee, who shall also be liable to pay compensation for any damages.
11) The Lessee expressly declares that he/she assumes full personal responsibility and full liability at his/her sole expense for payments and refunds due at the request of the Lessor for: (a) fines and any other charges for the violation of applicable regulations that may be demanded of the Lessee and/or the Lessor during the rental period, unless arising from the exclusive fault of the Lessor; (b) any expenses incurred or to be incurred by the Lessor, including legal expenses to obtain payment of sums owed by the Lessor; (e) the reimbursement of expenses supported by the Lessor for any damage sustained or caused by the boat that is not covered by an insurance policy; d)any surcharges for the insurance guarantee due to the fact and/or fault of the Landlord.
12) L’imbarcazione noleggiata è coperta da regolare polizza assicurativa per la responsabilità civile, nei limiti prescritti dalle leggi in vigore, di cui il Locatario ha preso visione presso la sede della Locatrice. Il Locatario accetta tutte le condizioni di polizza in vigore cd in caso di sinistro nel corso del noleggio si impegna a rendersi parte attiva per la tutela degli interessi e delle ragioni della Locatrice.
13) In caso di sinistro nel corso del noleggio il Locatario si impegna, altresì, a: a) fornire il nome e gli indirizzi delle parti coinvolte nel sinistro e dei testimoni; b) non ammettere eventuali responsabilità senza previo parere della Locatrice o della Compagnia assicurativa; e) non lasciare l’imbarcazione incustodita senza aver provveduto a curarne una adeguata salvaguardia; d) darne immediata comunicazione telefonica alla Locatrice, anche in caso di danni lievi, facendo seguire un dettagliato rapporto scritto; e) informare immediatamente le Autorità della Capitaneria di Porto in caso di necessità di accertamenti a carico di terzi o quando vi siano feriti.
14) Il Locatario solleva la Locatrice da ogni responsabilità derivante da perdita o danni alle cose che egli stesso od altri abbiano abbandonato, depositato o trasportato sull’imbarcazione noleggiata, sia nel corso del noleggio che dopo la restituzione dell’imbarcazione alla Locatrice. Il Locatario manleva, altresì, la Locatrice da ogni responsabilità, impegnandosi ad indennizzarla di ogni spesa od esborso in caso di reclami per le suddette perdite o danni.
15) La Locatrice usa ogni diligente perché non si verifichino guasti meccanici all’ imbarcazione o al motore in dotazione; eventuali guasti meccanici o di altra natura che dovessero verificarsi per errori o manchevolezze del Locatario, o dei passeggeri a bordo dell’imbarcazione, saranno ad esclusivo carico del Locatario.
16) Il Locatario si impegna a non compromettere o cedere a terzi per qualsiasi titolo e/o ragione, neanche temporaneamente, i diritti ed i beni oggetto del presente contratto, che si obbliga a mantenere liberi da qualsiasi onere, pegno o gravante e farà in modo che ogni diritto della Locatrice sui beni stessi, resti immune da atti pregiudizievoli, impegnandosi ove ciò avvenga, a risarcire alla Locatrice ogni danno che a questa ne derivi. n Locatario sarà inoltre responsabile dei danni che la Locatrice può risentire da azioni o procedure giudiziarie e non, compresi pignoramenti e sequestri, promosse o solamente minacciate contro i predetti beni. Il Locatario dovrà prontamente informare la Locatrice a mezzo di lettera raccomandata a. r. delle azioni o procedure suddette a risarcirla delle spese derivanti dalla tutela dei propri diritti, nonché delle perdite derivanti dal mancato utilizzo dei beni.
17) Il presente contratto è regolalo dalla Legge italiana e per ogni controversia da esso derivante od originata sarà esclusivamente competente il Foro del luogo ove è stato stipulato il contratto di noleggio.
18) Il Locatario è tenuto ad osservare i termini e le condizioni stabiliti nel presente contratto anche nel caso di prolungamento del periodo di noleggio concordato con la Locatrice.